Sand in the Gearbox – Abrasive Minerals Invisible in Contaminant Particles?

It is often surprising for our customers when we find hard mineral particles on their components during technical cleanliness analysis. Customers ask: "How can that be? We didn't find anything in our own cleanliness tests." The contamination of hard minerals is so important, because these particles have an abrasive effect and thus massively damage mechanical systems such as gears and motors.

Filmic Contamination Leads to Gearbox Failure

The determination of the technical cleanliness according to VDA-19.1 or ISO-16232 is now an integral part of quality control and error analysis - because the cleanliness of components is decisive for the quality and error-free function of the product. In addition to particles, filmic contamination poses a problem, as the following example from quality assurance in the manufacture of electric drive systems shows.

MicroQuick Particle Scanner in Operation at University of Heilbronn

Since the beginning of this year, Heilbronn University has had a MicroQuick particle scanner from RJL Micro & Analytic GmbH. Mrs. Prof. Dr. Katja Mannschreck from the Process and Environmental Engineering course and her students have already successfully used the particle scanner in a number of projects.

MicroQuick Recognized in ISO-16232 and VDA 19.1

The revised quality standard ISO-16232 “Road vehicles-Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits” was published in December 2018. This international standard for the cleanliness analysis of automotive parts corresponds to the regulations of VDA 19.1, in the development of which RJL Micro & Analytic GmbH played a key role.

Analysis of Foreign Particles in Pharmaceutical Powders

A central requirement in the production of pharmaceutical products is the avoidance of visible foreign particles. Our testing laboratory has developed innovative yet simple methods to reliably quantify foreign particles in pharmaceutical powders.

Erroneous Detection of Metallic Particles by Light Microscopy

The identification of metallic particles is an important requirement in cleanliness analysis. In recent years, the light-optical detection of metallic particles has commonly been performed by the means of gloss. On the basis of our laboratory experience, we have found that the light microscopic analysis often leads to incorrect typifications, which can be easily avoided by a material analysis using SEM-EDX.