Analysis of Foreign Particles in Pharmaceutical Powders

A central requirement in the production of pharmaceutical products is the avoidance of visible foreign particles. Our testing laboratory has developed innovative yet simple methods to reliably quantify foreign particles in pharmaceutical powders.

We Support Voluntary Service in South Africa

Lena Heneka, our former holiday help, will start her voluntary service in South Africa in August. We are happy to support Lena's mission and wish her a lot of fun and many interesting experiences in South Africa!

Erroneous Detection of Metallic Particles by Light Microscopy

The identification of metallic particles is an important requirement in cleanliness analysis. In recent years, the light-optical detection of metallic particles has commonly been performed by the means of gloss. On the basis of our laboratory experience, we have found that the light microscopic analysis often leads to incorrect typifications, which can be easily avoided by a material analysis using SEM-EDX.

News from our Sponsored Child Uganda

Since 2013 we have been supporting Nakimera Maria, our godchild in Uganda. The girl comes from a very poor background, the family lives in a simple mud house and the parents are seriously ill. With the financial support, Nakimera can attend elementary school and be accommodated in the dormitory there, because the way to school would be much too far.

Now Hiring: Employee in ​​Application & Sales

The position has already been filled. You are welcome to send us an unsolicited application. For our accredited test laboratory in Karlsdorf-Neuthard we are looking for a committed employee (m/f) in the area of application and sales.

Micro-CT in Zoological Studies

A look inside an insect skull – what zoologists used to only be able to do with a histological examination can now be easily realized using microtomography with multiple magnification and a 3D view. We examined the sample shown here in a SkyScan 1272 micro-CT with a resolution of 1 µm/voxel.

Now Hiring: Laboratory Assistant in Accredited Analytical Service

The position has already been filled, you are welcome to send an unsolicited application. For our accredited testing laboratory in Karlsdorf-Neuthard, we are immediately looking for a dedicated full-time laboratory assistant or laboratory assistant (m/f/d) or 80%.

High-Resolution Tabletop SEM-EDX at an Attractive Price

The Korean company Coxem has developed economical tabletop devices for SEM-EDX analysis that impress with excellent resolution. This new product series is now also available in Germany via RJL Micro & Analytic. Customers benefit from our proven support and technical service.