Particle Browser: A new tool for post-processing of SEM-EDX particle analysis

Anyone who has samples tested for cleanliness relies on reliable testing and precise determination and representation of the particles contained. With our Particle Browser, we offer you software for follow-up checks and revisions to verify analysis results and to identify and correct possible measurement errors.

3D X-ray microscopy: analysis of drugs and formulations

In the Bruker AXS webinar series, our managing director Dr.-Ing. Markus J. Heneka spoke as an expert about the application of 3D X-ray tomography in the pharmaceutical industry. The event was viewed very positively by well over 100 registered participants from all over the world.

3D X-ray analysis of foreign particles in medical glass ampoules

A particular challenge is the correct analysis of microparticles inside medical glass ampoules. When the vials are opened, glass breakage often occurs, which can get into the analysis and falsify the result. To solve the problem, our team has developed a new process to non-destructively detect foreign particles in glass ampoules.